
a.  Company Capital: 23.400.000 zl. All capital amount is paid.

    Issued Stocks: 3.500 stocks (Serie A), 7.600 stocks (Serie B), 3.000 stocks (Serie C). Nominal Value 1.500 zl
    Main Stockholders:     UFC S.A. en Liquidación 
                                            ELODEA SA. En Liquidación.

b. Dematerialisation of shares

* As a result of the entry into force of the amendment law on August 30, 2019, the Law - the Code of Commercial Companies and some other laws (Magazine of Laws of 2019, article 1798) no later than 12/31/2020, all the printed documents of ownership of the shares must be sent to the company so that they can be transformed in electronic form. Document binding force. The shares issued by the company will expire by application of the law on January 1, 2021.
* The presentation of documents of shares in the company must be in writing, a receipt issued to the shareholder.
* Management Board: Mr. Miguel Manovel Garcia. Phone Number: +034983135135. Email adress:

c. Shareholders register

* Shareholders register is managing by Q Securities .